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occupational therapy, remedial teaching, rehabilitation, cerebral palsy, acquired brain injury, joint hypermobility

What treatment shows best results?

Many treatment and exercise options exist for children and adults with visuo-musculo-skeletal disorders. How can small, but significant, improvements due to the intervention method be measured? Evaluation by the therapist could be biased, and no objective evaluation methods existed until recently.

MovAlyzeR in physiotherapy

From Dutch: Meten = Weten [Measuring = Knowing]. This is the core of many Movalyzer applications.


The meaning of measurement.

NeuroScript's approach is that measurement of progress due to treatment should be independent of who measures and, especially, of the therapist.

MovAlyzeR - Movement Analysis Software

NeuroScript's MovAlyzeR® measures fine pen movements requiring finger, wrist, and arm coordination using a pen tablet. NeuroScript's GripAlyzeR™ measures bimanual grip force coordination using our proprietary grip-force sensors.

When movement and force patterns become less variable, more accurate, faster progress is being made. Intervention is completed when measurement results reach normal ranges.

Video Demonstrations of MovAlyzeR® Example Tests and Features

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Example: BPP. Beep at high pen pressure and feedback of fluency.
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