Why MovAlyzeR® is ideal software for kinesiologists.
MovAlyzeR does not require special knowledge about programming digital signal analysis.
It captures, understands and compares complex human
movement patterns, enabling you to draw conclusions immediately after each test.
The movement recording and processing accuracy,
including a customizable noise filtering feature, is of the highest standard available.
Psychomotor tests can be designed and ready for data collection the very first day, saving months compared to conventional methods.
MovAlyzeR segments complex movement patterns into a sequence of discrete movements (strokes), which can be further subdivided into an initial,
goal-directed part and a final, fine-adjustment part.
It quantifies each stroke into several features: Amplitude, direction, duration, dysfluency, straightness, loop area and more. Users can even add
their own features through integration with such systems as Matlab.
MovAlyzeR can chart each stroke in a trial with all of its features with several averaging and summarization options to produce datasets that can
be charted and entered into statistical analysis programs.
Analysis charts can be customized and copied/pasted directly into presentations and publications.
What existing kinesiologist users have to say:
"The development of the grip sensing pen and the integration of grip data with MovAlyzeR handwriting capture have provided us with a highly
capable and accurate platform for the physiological and biomechanical study of writing performance in normal subjects and patients with neurological conditions."
-- Prof. B.A. Conway, Head of Department, Bioengineering Unit, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scottland.
"MovAlyzeR has been a part of my lab for some time. I have successfully used it to measure movement control in a variety of populations (stroke,
Parkinson's, aging, development). My students can create experiments and get a variety of analysis variables and graphs quickly. The strength of this software
is the quick, flexible, and adaptable nature of both the experimental setup and analysis. It is very useful to immediately see, in graph form, the analysis of
the underlying structure of goal-directed movements across all types of populations. The more I work with the software, the more impressed I am with the depth
of analysis I can compile for my research. I have also found the NeuroScript Team very supportive in guiding me to use this software to meet my experimental needs."
-- Dr. Caroline Ketcham, Elon University, Elon, NC, USA.
"I recently started using MovAlyzeR Â in my lab to investigate motor learning and control issues that involve targeted reaching movement. I am planning to
look at horizontal reaching behavior in different populations including the healthy young and old, and stroke patients, and MovAlyzeR is a great, and affordable,
solution for my research. It has many strengths, but I especially like it because it can be easily integrated with some other software including statistics packages and Matlab.
This software is backed up by a technical support team who are very knowledgeable and friendly. I highly recommend it!" -- Jinsung Wang, Ph.D., Dept. of Human Movement
Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA.